(航天器中载人和控制仪器的)指挥舱,指令舱 the part of a spacecraft that remains after the rest has separated from it, where the controls and the people that operate them are located
The first example used the command module to run the find command and capture the output. 第一个示例使用命令模块运行find命令,并捕获输出。
Programming the Create command module's processor requires a true C compiler and other development tools. 对Create命令模块的处理器进行编程,要求一个真正的C编译器和其他的开发工具。
Names are being sought for the station, due for completion before the end of the decade, along with its command module, two laboratory modules and supply ship. 政府正在为太空舱起名字,截止到2020年,连同空间站的指令舱、两个实验模块及补给舱都将完成建造。
It would later launch them from the moon to rejoin the command module. 然后,再携带宇航员从月球起飞,与指令舱对接。
My desk is my command module. 我的书桌就是我的主要工作场所。
The present payload consists of a lunar Excursion Module, a Service Module, a Command Module and a Launch Escape System. 现在的有效载荷包括登月舵、服务舵、指挥舵和发射逃逸系统。
While one of the astronauts went round the moon in the command module, the other went down to the surface in the lunar module. 当其中一名太空人在船舱中绕著月球飞行的时候,另一名在登月舱中向月球表面降落。
And they had to make this move without the navigational equipment in the command module. 而且,他们只能在没有指令舱导航设备的情况下完成这一动作。
On a flight to the moon, it would separate from the command module and land on the moon's surface. 在前往月球的飞行中,它将脱离指挥舱,着陆在月球表面。
Finally, spacecraft commander Armstrong and NASA flight controllers agreed it was time to separate the lander module Eagle from the command module Columbia. 最后,飞船指令长阿姆斯特朗和美国国家宇航局的航天操控者们同意此时将登月舱“鹰”与哥伦比亚号的指令舱分离。
A spacecraft that carries astronauts from the command module to the surface of the moon and back. 从指挥舱运送飞行员到月球的表面或背部的太空船。
Two astronauts would ride in it from the orbiting command module to the moon's surface. 两名宇航员将从在轨道上飞行的指令舱乘载登月舱在月球着陆。
Then they returned to the orbiting command module and started back to Earth. 然后,他们返回绕月轨道上的指令舱,开始返回地球。
The command module controls all of the technology on the mothership. 因为指挥舱控制母舰所有部分。
After a mission of 8 hours and 40 minutes, the command module splashed down in the Pacific north west of Hawaii. 指挥舱经过一次八小时又四十分钟的任务以后,在夏威夷西北的太平洋上降落了。
Then they began to prepare to launch the lander for the return flight to the orbiting command module. 然后,他们开始准备发动登月舱起飞,返回正在绕月轨道上飞行的指令舱。
Employing the top-to-bottom design method, the SDRAM Controller is divided into four modules: SDRAM control interface module, command module, data path module and controller top module which initialize and combine the other three modules. SDRAM控制器设计采用自顶向下模块化的设计方法,共分为四个模块:SDRAM控制器顶层模块、控制接口模块、命令模块和数据通路模块,SDRAM控制器顶层模块初始化并把其余三个模块有机地结合起来。
Secondly does the research on the four modules: transmission management module, security management module, command analysis module and file management module. 然后,分为通信管理模块、安全管理模块、命令解释模块和文件管理模块四部分对COS的体系结构进行了研究;
Numerical simulation for hypersonic flow of nonequilibrium gases around the Apollo command module 绕Apollo飞船的高超声速化学非平衡流动的数值模拟
In this paper structure of simulation module for UAVS and three protocols composed of layered call of communication protocol module, data transmission module and flight control command module are accomplished. The software has been applied in simulation system of communication network for UAV. 论文给出了无人机系统(UAVS)通信网仿真模块的组成,设计了通信协议模块的分层呼叫、数据传输和飞行控制命令三个协议流程,该软件已成功地用于UAVS通信网仿真系统。
The determination of heat conduction with mass transfer and chemical reaction is an important problem encountered in design of heat shied for reentry command module. 有质量引射和化学反应的内部热传导的确定是卫星再入舱热防护设计中遇到的一个重要问题。
Command parsing module parse the commands dispatched by the host control module; 命令解析模块完成解析主机控制模块发来的命令,并执行相应操作的功能;
The whole system was divided into command module, control module, transfer module and data collecting module. 整个系统可以分为总控管理模块、处理控制模块、收集中转模块和数据采集模块四大部分。
The structure of the general-purpose memory controller divided in terms of clock generation module, control module, command module, instruction decoding module and data path module, as well as the analysis and design for the structure and implementation of each module. 3. 各内存控制器的结构划分:由时钟产生模块、控制命令模块、指令译码模块和数据通道模块组成,对各模块的结构及实现方法进行了分析和设计。
In program design phase, complete encoding development of basic information module and command response module according to system design document. 程序设计阶段根据系统设计文档完成基础信息模块和响应指挥系统模块的编码开发。
Aviation security system analysis in the hangar, aircraft elevators and air chain of command; navigation support system is including power compartment, oil tank and navigation Command Module; combat support system is composed of combat Command Module, ammunition tanks and combat Command Module composition. 航空保障系统是从机库、飞机升降机和航空指挥系统进行分析;航行保障系统包括动力舱室、液舱和航行指挥舱;作战保障系统是由作战指挥舱、武器弹药舱和作战指挥舱组成。
This paper introduces the overall framework of AT command module, AT command parsing process, the design and the implementation of every sub-module based the needs. 接着根据功能需求详细介绍了AT命令模块整体框架,AT命令解析流程以及各个子模块的设计与实现。
During which focuses on AT command module design, how to use the AT command to send messages between PC and mobile terminals. This implementation method has the characteristics of high flexibility and easy to extend. 其中主要完成了AT命令模块的设计与实现。该模块通过对AT命令的使用实现了PC与终端设备的消息互通,并使得AT命令的扩展具有高灵活性、操作简单性。
Then, the command conversion module and proxy module of the system are implemented. 然后实现了系统的命令转换模块和代理模块。
The application layer includes the connection control module, excution control module and command interpreter module. 应用程序层包括连接控制协议模块、执行控制模块和命令解释器模块。